Discover Your True Potential

with Spiritual Guidance

and Intuitive Healing

Ready to Embrace Your True Self and Discover Your Unique Path to Healing and Transformation?

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Psycho-Spiritual Healing

I believe each individual has the ability to heal themselves and intentionally evolve themselves and that all living beings need support in their self-healing and self-realization processes. I am here to help you connect with your most authentic Essence (Soul) Self, discover the spiritual meaning and purpose in your personal life story, and unwrap the gifts that life has in store for you.

A large part of my practice is in holding the space for you to discover what is holding you back from living your most joyful and fulfilling life. I facilitate an energetic connection with your soul and spiritual support systems so that we can communicate openly and discover insights and guidance to help you move beyond your perceived obstacles.

We all experience stress on a daily basis and most of us do not take the time to truly rest and release the buildup of physical, mental, or emotional tension.  The calming space that I provide allows your mind-body consciousness to let go of these minor issues as well as the dis-ease that results from letting stress build up for too long.

Coming home to yourself... 

I do not ever lay claim to healing or “fixing” anyone with any sort of magical powers but I have often experienced miraculous transformations when assisting clients in their process of intentionally healing and growing themselves.

The most important aspect of the process is our shared intention of wanting you to heal, improve your overall quality of life, and experience true freedom and joy.

By removing the limitations of our ego from this process and allowing for the inexplicable to occur, we are often able to see, feel, or intuit the imbalances in your mind-body system. 

If you are then willing to face your fears, doubts, physical pain, and/or mental and emotional suffering from past or present; the techniques and gifts that we have been given can assist you in the release of suffering so that you can focus on stepping into a higher frequency version of you.

What is Spiritual Success?

Partnering with You

Showing up for yourself and doing your Spiritual work is the ultimate gesture of compassion and support, both for yourself as well as for the collective.

At the end of the day, YOU are the one who heals you.

You are the one who discovers your gifts and courageously shines your light. It's always been you, you are the hero in your story. 

Prioritizing and developing your relationship with yourself and your spiritual source is an incredibly powerful process and it is an important part of what we came here to do.

As you continue to heal and grow, you move ever-closer to remembering and actualizing your Soul Purpose. My mission is to hold the space and guide you in releasing your stress and remembering who you came here to be and what you came to experience, create, and enjoy.

Working Outside of the Box

Underneath the myriad of healing modalities which exist throughout space and time, there is one common thread... 

Everything is made of energy, frequency, and vibration. And that means everything in our physical world is just an expression of an energetic (or spiritual) blueprint, which is constantly vibrating and changing.

There are infinite methods for connecting with the source of our life force energy, as well as limitless techniques for amplifying that energy for the purpose of harmonization, regeneration, and relief for our mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies.

Due to the fact that these modalities operate primarily in the fields of consciousness (and non-physical energy), distance healing can be very effective when conducted via phone or Zoom video call.

Transformation of Energy

Everything is made up of light-energy-information. The energy in our bodies (as in everything) is in a constant flow of transmutation, ever-seeking homeostasis.

When we fix our attention on information and define it as pain, illness, or a problem of any kind; we may miss the message within it and our consciousness then becomes attached to it and therefore limits its potential for change. 

All of our suffering is meant to teach us something, and once that lesson has been learned, we can be free to let go and move on towards a new state of balance.

There are various tools to help us with integrating our initiations throughout life, but the most important thing is our ability to decide; to know what our soul truly desires and to create our life by design.

Your Spiritual Success Guide 

Many people agree that we are all born with an awareness of the spirit world and that most of us slowly forget within the first few years of life because these sensitivities and subjects are not encouraged by our social upbringing. In my case, I was never quite able to forget (even though at times I wanted to) because I was consistently exposed to these otherworldly experiences throughout my childhood and beyond.

I began studying comparative spirituality and religion in childhood, along with western psychology, in the interest of making sense of my experiences.  The first 25 years of my life were wrapped up in a painful spiritual journey which I desperately tried to treat with psychiatric medications and therapy before leaning more into yoga, meditation, and alternative healing.

At 25 years old I started training in Reiki and other spiritual and energetic healing modalities and learned to see my sensitivities as a gift instead of a curse.  I was taught how to heal myself and others through a variety of techniques and I then returned to college to complete my BA in Psychology and my Masters in Social Work as well. 

After working as a clinical mental health provider for a few years, I moved away from traditional psychotherapy and began working to combine all of my training and experience into a Transformational Mind-Body Coaching model so that I could support people on a broader and deeper level.

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More About Me...

My name is Caroline Lee Dewey and I am a Transformational Coach + Intuitive Healing Specialist.


Having struggled with spiritual visions, anxiety, and depression throughout childhood and adolescence, I began my deep study of texts on psychology and spirituality when I was just 14 years old. 

My healing journey was ceaseless, confusing, and excruciatingly painful for the first 25 years of my life.  I am grateful every day for the deeply supportive family and friends that bore witness to my darkest times and did everything in their power to help me get myself through it.


The hardest part of it was that no one (myself included) really had any clue what was going on with me.  There was no context for my spiritual experiences in my family or community and so we had to rely solely on Western Psychology to diagnose and treat my symptoms.

I learned very early in childhood that it was not safe or appropriate to discuss my spiritual experiences with other people because my family and friends did not understand what I was seeing, hearing, and feeling. 

I became terrified of my sensitivities and felt cursed by the things I saw and felt and eventually I started to feel very unsafe in my own head. As a pre-teen, I convinced myself that the only way to deal with this was to pretend I didn't believe myself either and treat everything as psychosis. I asked my parents for psychotherapy and medication when I was 14 and remained medicated on a variety of drugs for the next 10 years.  


I grew up in New York and then did a little bit of college at University of Vermont before deciding to take a break from schooling to focus on healing myself while living and working in Brooklyn for a while.

Chronic anxiety, depression, substance abuse, insomnia, stomach aches, acne, Reynaud's, sciatica, back / neck pain, etc. all continued to show up in waves and it was an arduous process to get my health under control.  The various cocktails of psychiatric medications sometimes helped but usually they caused more problems than they were worth.

Therapy and medication do get a lot of credit for saving my life, I don't think I would have survived any of this had it not been for the stabilizing effects of treatment that I clung to for years.  But at some point I realized, the key to my healing was beyond that stabilization, those treatments gave me just enough mental clarity and self-acceptance to be able to do the real work of healing myself.


Once I had stabilized enough to move forward, I returned to school and completed my B.A. in Psychology from Long Island University – Brooklyn Campus in 2013 and then my Master of Social Work degree from Tulane University of New Orleans in 2015.

In addition to my formal education I have also been trained as a JournalSpeak Integrative Specialist and I have enjoyed working closely with Nicole Sachs, LCSW and The Cure for Chronic Pain movement since 2013.

I am a certified Usui-Holy Fire Reiki Master Practitioner and Instructor.  I received my certificate for levels 1 & 2 from the New York International Reiki Center Inc. and my Advanced Reiki Master training was lead by William Lee Rand in Glastonbury, England in 2013.

I have also been certified as a Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Instructor from Little Flower Yoga Inc.

Most recently, in September of 2020, I became an Ordained Minister and Certified Metaphysician through the Fellowships of the Spirit Church in Lily Dale, NY, and I am deeply honored to provide my services as an officiant for weddings, funerals, and other ceremonies.

In accompaniment to my degrees and certifications, I have also received training and continue my development in these and other areas of study:

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  • Somatic Expression / Movement Therapy
  • Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga
  • Mediumship and Spiritual Healing
  • Rayid Method for Iris Interpretation
  • Color Work
  • Astrology
  • Numerology
  • Matrix Energetics Consciousness Technology
  • Psychic Surgery
  • Psycho-Spiritual Restructuring
  • Conscious Entrepreneurship
  • Human Design & Gene Keys 


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me today!

Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have: [email protected]

Let's work together...

Want to Share Your Spiritual Stories with Me?

Part of my mission includes shedding more light on the spiritual world and its deeply influential presence in our modern lives.

This means I'm here to share my own stories of encountering the spirit world, witnessing metaphysical miracles, and all kinds of other supernatural phenomena throughout my teachings, art and offerings.

I also love sharing stories that I have heard from other people, cultures, and timelines and would love to hear about your experiences and share them with the world as well!

The more we learn how to speak openly about the mystical aspects of life, the more we will become aware of their influence on us and the opportunities that they bring.

Send me an email with your story at [email protected] or listen to the message and then hit "Reply" on the SpeakPipe application below to record a voice note with your story.